Project Title: Intelligent Cyber Value Chain Network (CEOSNet)
Project Investigators: Prof. Mohamed Cheriet (ÉTS), Soumaya Yacout (Polytechnique Montréal)
Partner: Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Concordia University, Laval University, University of Sherbrooke, UQAM, Jacobb College, Productique Quebec College
Project Funder: Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)
What problem are we solving?
Recently, Canada’s manufacturing sector has experienced a heavy decline in employment and overall output, which results in a sizable adverse effect on our society and GDP. To unlock new opportunities for upgrading and to renovate the sector, six major engineering universities and two colleges in Quebec joined in this effort to request a next-generation infrastructure supporting advanced manufacturing, the “Intelligent Cyber Value Chain Network (CEOSNet)”. This infrastructure will harness the new paradigm in manufacturing, the Industry 4.0 digital transformation, by linking distributed centers in Quebec to create a uniquely federated manufacturing network. Cloud computing and artificial intelligence technologies will achieve digital manufacturing across the network nodes located at Montreal, Quebec city, and Sherbrooke. It will provide unprecedented experiences for users in design, assembly, production, control, planning, maintenance, and logistics in a timely fashion, bridging the physical gaps between the distant centers, thus establishing the first virtually scalable factory model ever seen in Canada and internationally. Supported by ENCQOR, CalculQuebec, and other significant initiatives will be co-founded by ten world players in Canada’s industry and open to international collaborations. It will uphold Canada’s digital transformation leadership, sustain profitability, create professional job opportunities, and drive a critical mass of talents for the sector.
How are we solved in ENCQOR?
CEOSNet Project
Intelligent Cyber Value Chain Network
- Among the world’s first nation-wide cloud manufacturing models
- Regroup eight universities and colleges in Québec
- Connected to national and international manufacturing centers
- Supported by top players in the field
- Siemens, Bombardier, Pratt & Whitney, Ciena, Ericsson
- Provide a unique manufacturing environment for SMEs
- All activities can be virtualized
- Accessible via 5G and advanced H&M interactions (e.g., AR/VR)
- Optimized planning & logistics via built-in AI engines
- Funded by CFI: $12M
CEOSNet Research Agenda
- Rapid and agile manufacturing of small batches of mass-personalized parts
- Remanufacturing and product (material) tracking for circular manufacturing
- Cobots and humans integration in cyber-physical systems
- Real-time and dynamic planning and efficient collaborative decision-making in the value chain
- Ultra-low latency service synchronization for distributed components
- Efficient and secure communication in federated clouds
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