Project Title: Canada Research Chair In Sustainable Smart Eco-Cloud
Project Investigators:
Project Funder: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
What problem are we solving?
Chairholder Mohamed Cheriet is addressing issues related to a sustainable smart eco-cloud platform, which is a virtual and analytical system capable of deep, complex computation and intelligent behaviors performed in an energy-efficient and eco-friendly manner.
By means of smart meters, data collectors, and analytical gears that acquire knowledge about ecosystems and all the players involved, including end-users, eco-cloud services are able to react immediately and “just in time” to establish automated control processes.
Each component of the eco-cloud model can affect the others and be affected by them, thereby creating a constantly evolving relationship in which they will be sufficiently flexible and adaptable to deliver services more effectively and optimize resource utilization. This will pave the way for a new class of approaches addressing the fundamental issues of machine-learning and artificial-intelligence systems facing critical mass applications and a rapidly growing, changing, and innovative cyber-society based on the eco-cloud.
The results of Professor Cheriet’s research will leverage research on smart technologies, leading to the establishment of new inter-sector and inter-disciplinary collaborations with academia and corporations.
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