Synchromedia Lab
The Synchromedia research group web site was founded in 1988 as a part of the Department of Automation Engineering at the École de téchnologie supérieure of University of Québec, with founding members from 4 University of Quebec institutions. Effective Mars 2005, the group has been awarded a $4 million CFI grant to build a Pan-Canadian Consortium. The group works on a wide diversity of pertinent research areas. It also consists of several professors, researchers, and graduate students, as well as adjunct members from other departments and universities.
- Sustainable Smart Network and Cloud Computing
- Smart Networked Society
- Computational Intelligence and Image Processing
Contact Us
Synchromedia Laboratory, ETS
1100, Notre-Dame Street West
Montreal, QC
H3C 1K3 Canada
Office : A-3400
Telephone: +1 (514) 396-8972
Fax: +1 (514) 396-8595