
Project Title: Self-Optimization Fabric (SOF) for ENCQOR Network

Project Investigators: Prof. Mohamed Cheriet, Prof. Kim Khoa Nguyen

Partner: Ciena

Project Funder: MITACS



What problem are we solving?

5G is revolutionary in many ways but what makes it unique is that it is the first generation of networking that makes connectivity as pervasive as the air we breathe in. Imagine the user landscape that would emerge from confluence of robotics and machine intelligence underpinned with this level of pervasive connectivity and very quickly lines will start to blur across consumers and producers of digital services and/or components that constitute these services so much so that the user becomes a part of the cloud, making the cloud pervasive. Demand side equations that dictate plan, design and operation of digital systems are seriously challenged by this landscape. The expectation is that demands for future systems will be vastly complex and will evolve rapidlyin directions that are not currently anticipated to support new technologies. The complexity results from the inter-relationship, inter-action, and inter-connectivity of intelligent components (e.g., network nodes, access points, data centers) within a system and between this system and its dynamic environment. Managing the complexity of such systems with dynamically responsive evolving arrangement of intelligent components becomes the key challenge. This will create an increasing pressure for continuous optimization of resources bringing planning, design and operations into a continuum. In this continuum optimum operation through is achieved on an ongoing basis by appropriate sensing of condition; discerning of meaning; inferring of current/potential deviation from desired operation; deciding on action, and acting on these decisions to restore/maintain optimum operation.

How we solved in ENCQOR?

About | ENCQOR

The “Evolution of Networked Services through a Corridor in Québec and Ontario for Research and Innovation” partnership initiative, or ENCQOR for short. ENCQOR SOF initiative brings together many industry leaders in the 5G and AI technology spaces who together create a research platform to study 5G-oriented use cases and technologies.SOF transforms the ENCQOR corridor to a discovery and verification testbed for our Adaptive Network vision curating a broad set of use cases. The four work packages within ENCQOR SOF initiative enable us to continue to implement, learn, and evolve our thinking and architecture vision alongside a wider audience.