In order to assure the leading role of Europe in the area of Telecommunications, the European commission renewed its support to the PANLAB project as part of FIRE initiative (Future Internet Research and Experimentation) of the 7th European Frame Progamme (FP7). Its core mission is the implementation of the PANLAB Laboratory, which is a federation of testbeds allowing the test and the evaluation of concepts of services, technologies, solutions systems and of business models, to minimize risks related to their introduction as commercial products. The Panlab project will bring the necessary support to the actors of the telecommunications milieu to make easier the transition of their industry based on facilities and connection, towards an industry of services and applications. In this context, the participation of researchers of Quebec in the Laboratory PANLAB constitutes an opportunity for Quebec to be in the forefront international effort in the field of ICT, notably in what related to the development of technologies for resource and network virtualisation and of orchestration, as well as collaborative environments in telepresence. This participation will benefit an expertise which will make easier the deployment of the Synchromedia platform, both at the Quebec territory and Canada. It is worth to mention that Synchromedia team as a partner of Panlab II has been strengthen with two pioneers in the field of network virtualisation: Inocybe Inc. and CRC.