A Two-Stage Unsupervised Deep Learning Framework for Degradation Removal in Ancient Documents
Processing historical documents is a complicated task in computer vision due to the presence of degradation, which decreases the performance of Machine Learning models. Recently, Deep Learning (DL) models have achieved state-of-the-art accomplishments in [...]
Simultaneous Detection of Regular Patterns in Ancient Manuscripts Using GAN-Based Deep Unsupervised Segmentation
Document Information Retrieval has attracted researchers’ attention when discovering secrets behind ancient manuscripts. To understand such documents, analyzing their layouts and segmenting their relevant features are fundamental tasks. Recent efforts represent unsupervised document segmentation, [...]
Visibility of knowledge
Project Title: Visibility of knowledge Project Investigators: Partner: Project Funder: Description: What problem are we solving? Bringing together a team of humanists and computer scientists, we are interested in understanding how visual techniques, [...]
Global Currents: Cultures of Literary Networks, 1050-1900
Project Title: Cultures of Literary Networks, 1050-1900 Project Investigators: Andrew Piper, McGill University, Canada; Mohamed Cheriet, École de technologie supérieure, Canada; Elaine Treharne, Stanford University, United States; Lambert Schomaker, University of Groningen, The Netherlands [...]
Indian Ocean World MCRI – (Major Collaborative Research Project) 2010-2017
Project Title: Indian Ocean World MCRI Project Investigators: Prof. Mohamed Cheriet Partner: Project Funder: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Description: What problem are we solving? This project investigates the rise [...]
MDEIE Project with IMADOC, Rennes
Project Title: MDEIE Project with IMADOC, Rennes Project Investigators: Partner: Project Funder: Description: What problem are we solving? An MDEIE (Quebec’s Ministry of Economic Development, Innovation and Export Trade) funding was recently [...]